The HR Dictionary

Gross Income

The sum of an individual's earnings before taxes or other deductions is their gross income, which is sometimes referred to as their gross pay on a paycheck. This covers earnings from all sources, not only work, and is not restricted to earnings in cash; it also covers earnings from the receipt of goods or services. A person's gross income is made up of their wages and salaries as well as other sources of income such as dividends, interest, pensions, and rental income. 

Calculating Gross Income

When calculating a person's gross income for tax purposes, the IRS takes into account all sources of income, not only wages and salaries, but also tips, capital gains, rental payments, dividends, alimony, pensions, and interest as well. 

Gross vs Net Income

Gross income is made up of more than simply the pay. It also includes additional sources of income as mentioned above. Gross income would be equivalent to the total yearly wage before any taxes or benefits are deducted from a paycheck for an individual with one job and receive an annual salary from the company.

Net income is effectively gross income less taxes and other payroll deductions. It is what an individual receives as payment. Start by determining the gross income, which is the total of all taxable earnings, tips, and investment income (such as interest and dividends). Then subtract income taxes, insurance premiums, retirement account contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, as well as any other legal responsibilities like loan repayments, child support payments, and wage garnishments and what remains is known as net income.

An HRIS with payroll capabilities can be used to effectively manage the pay scale and different pay grades of employees. It can also be configured to deduct any tax or other deductions automatically so you won’t make any mistakes trying to do it manually. They can also be used to show what an employee’s gross pay looks like before taxes and other deductions.