The HR Dictionary


The process by which new hires acquire the information, abilities, and behaviors required to function effectively as insiders and members of the organization is known as onboarding. Formal meetings, lectures, films, printed materials, or computer-based orientations are some of the strategies utilized in this process to explain the workings and culture of the business the employee will be joining. Other parts of the world refer to this procedure as a "induction" or "training."

Onboarding vs Orientation

Onboarding is frequently mistaken for orientation. Onboarding is a thorough procedure including management and other employees and can last up to 12 months, whereas orientation is required for completing paperwork and other basic activities.

An organization's distinctive pillars of culture, mission, employee value proposition, brand, and other pertinent underpinnings must be lived and communicated continuously throughout the onboarding process. It will take new hires several months to learn and put this into practice; they won't absorb it in the first week or the first month. An onboarding program's growth will be aided by a clear understanding of the organization's enduring principles and aspirational objectives. And an HRIS with onboarding capabilities can help the organization carry out their onboarding tasks seamlessly and effectively by providing the tools necessary to successfully onboard a new employee.