How to Practice Productive Remote Working

By OrangeHRM | Published on 16 mar. 2020 | minute read

The events of the past few years have accelerated the adoption of remote work, and it's clear that it's here to stay. Whether you're a business owner, a manager, or an employee, knowing how to make remote work productive is crucial.

Tips to Practice Productive Remote Working

There are a few approaches to effective remote working that includes:

Embracing a Flexible Work Culture

Remote work offers employees the flexibility to manage their work in a way that suits them best. Encouraging this flexibility is essential for fostering a productive remote work environment. Here's how you can do it:

Set Clear Expectations

Remote employees need to know what's expected of them. Clearly define goals, deliverables, and deadlines. When everyone understands their responsibilities, it becomes easier to measure success.

Trust Your Team

Trust is the cornerstone of remote work. Instead of micromanaging, empower your team to take ownership of their work. Focus on results rather than the number of hours worked.

Offer a Balanced Work-Life

Remote work can blur the lines between work and personal life. Encourage your team to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Avoid contacting employees during their off-hours unless it's absolutely necessary.

Communication is Key

Effective communication is the linchpin of productive remote work. It helps keep your team connected and aligned. Here's how to enhance communication:

Choose the Right Communication Tools

Invest in tools that facilitate seamless communication. Popular choices include Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. Ensure that your team is proficient in using these tools to avoid any hiccups.

Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Regular video or phone meetings are essential for keeping everyone on the same page. These check-ins help to build rapport and provide a platform for discussing any issues or concerns.

Foster a Collaborative Environment

Encourage your team to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and support one another. A collaborative culture can boost creativity and productivity.

Remote Work Technology

Technology is the backbone of remote work. Here's how to leverage it effectively:

Secure Data and Privacy

Protect sensitive company data by ensuring that your team follows strict security protocols. Utilize Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and multi-factor authentication to safeguard information.

Provide Remote Access

Ensure that your team has access to all the tools and resources they need to work efficiently. Consider cloud-based software and other remote-access solutions.

Why OrangeHRM?

One invaluable tool for managing remote workers effectively is OrangeHRM. OrangeHRM offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline remote workforce management. Some key features include:

  • Employee Self-Service: Allow employees to access their data and perform HR tasks remotely.
  • Time and Attendance Tracking: Monitor and manage remote employees' work hours and attendance effectively.
  • Leave Management: Simplify the process of requesting and approving time off, even when your team is scattered across different locations.
  • Performance Management: Set goals, conduct appraisals, and track performance, all within a remote-friendly interface.
  • Document Management: Maintain a centralized repository for essential HR documents and facilitate remote access.

Making remote work productive in your organization requires a combination of the right culture, effective communication, and the use of technology like OrangeHRM. Embrace the remote work trend, and your organization will thrive in this new era of work.

Remember, remote work is not just a trend; it's a transformation that's shaping the future of work. By implementing these strategies and utilizing tools like OrangeHRM, you'll be well on your way to creating a thriving remote work environment in your organization. Book your FREE demo of OrangeHRM here.


  • What is remote working?

    • Remote working, also known as telecommuting, refers to the practice of employees working outside the traditional office environment, often from home or other remote locations while remaining connected to their workplace through technology.
  • Why is remote working important for organizations?

    • Remote working offers flexibility, access to a wider talent pool, and cost savings. It can improve work-life balance and productivity, making it vital in today's work landscape.
  • How can I create a productive remote work culture?

    • To create a productive remote work culture, set clear expectations, trust your team, encourage work-life balance, and establish effective communication channels.
  • How do I ensure data security when my team works remotely?

    • Secure data and privacy by implementing security measures like VPNs and multi-factor authentication and by educating your team about safe online practices.
  • What is OrangeHRM, and how does it help with remote work management?

    • OrangeHRM is a comprehensive HR management system that enables effective remote workforce management. It offers features for employee self-service, time tracking, leave management, performance management, and document management.
  • How can I encourage collaboration among remote team members?

    • Foster a collaborative environment by using collaboration tools, scheduling regular video meetings, and encouraging open communication and teamwork.
  • Is remote work a long-term trend?

    • Remote work is not just a trend; it's a transformative shift in the workplace. It is expected to continue evolving and shaping the future of work for the long term.