Office Manager

Luminita Aiftimiei


Consulting & Law







Cariati Law: Optimizing Processes for Faster & Easier HR Management


Cariati Law is a top-rated personal injury and disability law practice based in Ontario, Canada. The company employs thirty-two people, including seven lawyers and three paralegals. The litigation firm has been in business for sixteen years.


Although office manager Luminita Aiftimiei, who currently handles the HR functions of the office, wasn’t in a management position when the firm implemented OrangeHRM, she remembers the difficulties her boss had managing attendance and time off.  As an employee, she also experienced firsthand the inconvenience of requesting time off and checking her vacation time. Having experienced the difficulties without Orange from both perspectives, she unequivocally asserts that utilizing OrangeHRM improved processes for both management and employees.  “It’s much better,” Aiftimiei says.  “I’ve been in charge of managing the firm for the last year, and it is very helpful.”


Time Tracking

“It’s just a click of the button and it’s there.”

Keeping track of employee time was tedious and time-consuming prior to implementing Orange HRM. “It was difficult for her [boss] to manage,” says Aiftimiei. Now, with OrangeHRM’s Time Tracking module, Aiftimiei has no problem keeping track of employee attendance. Features that enable employees to clock in or out via the software or the mobile app with all of it tracked in OrangeHRM save Aiftimiei time that she can spend on more substantial tasks. Timesheets give her full visibility of not only when employees are working so overtime isn’t erroneously paid but also tracking the time they spend on different projects. “It’s made our lives easier,” she says.

She also appreciates the ease of compiling custom reports for everything from time off to employee records.  “It’s just a click of the button and it’s there.”

Leave Management

“Everything was very smooth with OrangeHRM!”

Prior to OrangeHRM, managing employee leave was challenging for Cariati Law…with processes stuck in the past.  For example, the firm manually kept track of time off requests.  Employees would hand the office manager their requests on a piece of paper, and then she’d check the request on a physical calendar to determine availability and then mark it off.  “We’re not a big firm, but with over thirty people, it wasn’t easy to keep track of all the requests,” Luminita Aiftimiei remembers.  Her boss was struggling to keep up.

With OrangeHRM’s Request / Approve Leave, employees can simply request time off on the system and the manager can then approve the request. Best of all, no more paper calendars! An easy-to-read PTO calendar shows everyone’s leave requests before and after approvals and can be seen from anywhere in the company, even on a mobile app. 

And when the firm introduced a new type of leave this year—work-from-home leave—OrangeHRM made the process seamless. “Everything was very smooth with OrangeHRM,” Aiftimiei says. As an added benefit, the software is very easy for new employees to learn and use. “It’s a big change from the past to now.”


“I get an answer right away, and all inquiries are answered. We’re very happy with the support.”

In addition to saving Cariati Law countless hours that were once spent logging data in manually and updating paper calendars, the law firm loves the customer support that is part of OrangeHRM’s DNA.  Not that they need support very often these days.  Six years after employing OrangeHRM to simplify their HR processes, they find the software still works well. But if there is an issue, “I get an answer right away, and all inquiries are answered,” Aiftimiei reports. “We’re very happy with the support.”