The HR Dictionary

Employee Satisfaction

A satisfied employee is one that is positive in their approach. They're proactive, productive and committed to contributing to the organization's goals. Prioritizing employee satisfaction will increase profits, reduce employee turnover and improve employee engagement. Employee satisfaction is influenced by and measured using indicators such as pay, workload, organizational attitudes, work-life balance, employee interactions, company culture, and more.

Employees who don't have their essential needs satisfied won't be fully engaged until those issues are resolved. It's crucial to realize that happiness does not equate to excellence or engagement. In fact, ‘employee contentment’ can be hurting your business if your low-performing employees are content with their jobs and are not challenges to improve their performance.

Employee Satisfaction vs Employee Engagement

Although many individuals interchangeably use the terms employee engagement and employee satisfaction because they appear to be comparable concepts, they actually measure different things. For a company to make strategic decisions to develop and enhance the culture of engagement, it is essential to understand the difference between the two. In the workplace, basic requirements and concerns of employees are covered by employee satisfaction. Although it is a good place to start, it frequently falls short of what truly drives employees to engage with the company. Employees that are engaged come to work every day ready to offer all for their full support for the companies' success.

Some HR software provide in-built internal social media platforms where employees can post updates, give kudos to other employees, share photos and videos which helps to develop employee satisfaction and engagement.