Improve Workplace Communication | OrangeBuzz

By OrangeHRM | Published on Dec 29, 2015 | minute read

As hiring managers and recruiters access top talent via social channels like LinkedIn, social media is expanding within enterprise. Once banned as a drag on productivity, social media is now used by HR and management to improve communication, create a collaborative workspace, and increase engagement. Integrated with the recent OrangeHRM 5.2 update, Orange Buzz is the new social media tool from OrangeHRM.  Offering an environment similar to Facebook, Orange Buzz is a full-featured social media tool designed specifically for the workspace.  Highlights include:

  • The engaging Orange Buzz interface facilitates easy communication and collaboration
  • Orange Buzz is a private, secure, platform
  • From comments to discussion forums, Orange Buzz gives HR the capabilities to create, share, and manage internal social media space

A business need: internal social media Orange Buzz responds to a critical need for business and enterprise to drive effective communication within their organizations.  Word of mouth, email, and physical meetings fall short when important information should be quickly shared, or provided.  Just a few of the ways HR and management are using social media include:

  • Information on:  Lack of information about important changes, or status, in a company erodes morale and encourages shared misinformation.  Speaking at OHRM Con in New York in October, Lee Congdon, CIO of Red Hat, discussed a variety of social tools used by his organization to cultivate and disseminate information throughout their global enterprise. Orange Buzz, and other social media applications, offer top-down and bottom-up opportunities to improve engagement and company communication.
  • Better information—better decisions:  In workgroups, or between geographic locations, social media tools aid collaborative decision making.  Red Hat uses social media to encourage employee feedback to inform higher-level decisions, and build shared ownership in eventual decisions.
  • Social media is second nature: Effective relationships sell products and services that enable  companies to thrive.  Use Orange Buzz or other internal social media to invigorate workplace relationships and improve company culture through regular brand messaging and shared information.

Moving beyond recruiting, social media tools heighten employee engagement and bolster communication on important issues.  When you upgrade to OrangeHRM 5.2, put Orange Buzz to work for your company and enjoy the benefits of inward-facing social media.